読み物カテゴリ: ‘文化・芸術論’
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Beethoven enormously gives you strength to go forth Ⅱ
⇒ Beethoven enormously gives you strength to go forth Ⅱ(英語音声講義)
Beauty itself is in the eye of the beholder in consideration of the history of humankind.
How you you feel the difference between the two, something sensitive and something voluptuous?
The following lecture guides you to be more flexible in order to refine a sense of beauty through feeling some more unusual and peculiar aesthetic values. There should be so many aspects to refine a sense of beauty yourself. What you need to possess is the flexibility in front of all of the existents you experience at all times.
⇒ Beauty itself is in the eye of the beholder in consideration of the history of humankind.(英語音声講義)
Money and love of God satirically expressed in “The Moneychanger and his wife” painted by Quentin Massys
Quentin Massys: “The Moneychanger and his wife”
⇒ Quentin Massys: “The Moneychanger and his wife”(英語音声講義)
Quintessentially speaking, Imperceptibility surpasses perceptibility more than you imagine stereotypically.
The following lecture shall be a reasonable training to sharpen your delicacy. I hope that you are in a genuine process to meaningfully sharpen your delicacy.
It is crucial to recognize and understand that delicacy is immensely powerful as to a deluge of matters. This means that you would have a different aestheticism in the future depending upon your delicacy sharpened.
The fountainhead of creation
Are you drawing something visual in your heart? It is absolutely crucial to imagine something concrete on your own and draw it visually in your heart as a basis of your creation. This lecture certainly guides you the genuine way to create something new and original on your own acedemically, culturally, and artistically.
⇒ The fountainhead of creation(英語音声講義)
Physiological functions of human body unconsciously reject feeling and appreciating some particular pieces of beauty.
It is diaphanously true that “beauty itself is in the eye of the beholder.” Fortunately or unfortunately, there are so many ways to be seen in the presence of the same piece of beauty itself.
In addition, there are some more reasons why people feel and appreciate the same piece of beauty in the different ways individually.
Accordingly, it shall be required to grasp the physical mechanism of human beings in order to pursue the essence of beauty. Above all, it is absolutely indispensible to understand some basic or stereopyed functions of human body in consideration of physiology.
Occasionally, Some of physiological functions of human body unconsiously reject feeling and appreciating some particular pieces of beauty. There are some inevitable matters happening in the very delicate part of human body on the basis of physiological functions. Whether you like it or not, you can not avoid these inevitable happenings as a physiological being.
本稿では、「自分の『美意識』(a sense of beauty)を洗練させたい」と切望する読者の皆さん向けに、以下の記述をご紹介します。リンク先をクリックすると、記述を閲覧することができます。
⇒ 自分の『命』(life)に対して、”命”をはる・・・洗練された美意識の源泉
The ultimate beauty in a Japanese black teacup
The ultimate beauty in a Japanese black teacup
black is not simply black in a sense of beauty
black is not simply black in a virtue of beauty
there is a profound aesthetic state in black to be subtly felt
now, I see the immense distances of space in the ultimate aesthetic color, black
black gives us something mysterious
black gives us something gorgeous
black gives us something ultimate
when I feel such gorgeousness in the profundity of black
I feel everlasting transmigration in it infinitely
human life is transitory
there is nothing impeccable in the world
there is nothing everlasting in this world
now, I just live in such an air of profundity
I feel the utmost value to tick away a second at all times
I now charmingly feel the meaning of my existence as a slightest bit
⇒ The ultimate beauty in a Japanese black teacup(英語朗読)