読み物カテゴリ: ‘銀座書斎エッセー’
“A wise person travels incognito.”・・・賢者は”忍び”で旅を楽しむ
人間は、自分の地位や所有物が、見るところから見れば「”瓦落多(がらくた)同然”のちっぽけな代物」という真実を知ったときに初めて、「自己における『本質』(the essence)」を認識し、「旅の楽しみ方」を知るようになります。
⇒ A wise person travels incognito.(英語音声講義)
Breathable knowledge is “spacious enough” to taste something cultural.
⇒ Breathable knowledge is “spacious enough” to taste something cultural.(英語音声講義)
“Natural law” in the human society
If you already have “something reasonable,” no explanation is necessary regarding it in the presence of people. Because People are gradually coming to understand what it is, if it is a “genuine piece.”
As the proverb goes, “Good wine needs no bush.” You don’t need to explain the quality of the one a lot to the people, if it is good enough already.
⇒ ”a natural law” in the human society(英語音声講義)
“No scenario is written in human life beforehand.”
As for me, I absolutely feel that human life is really mesmerizing. It goes without saying that there is no scenario in a process to live every day every night.
The way, “how we live” is not written beforehand. We improvise our original story how to live on the spot.
Why are we keeping what is called, “strong motive” to live day after day? The answer is very clear undoubtedly. It is because no scenario is given beforehand.
As you feel that human life is always full of drama. This is the reason why we human beings really enjoy living day after day. Human life itself dramatically lives momentarily.
⇒ No scenario is written in human life beforehand.(英語音声講義)
Desperate diseases absolutely needs desperate remedies upon occasion.
It is required to take drastic measures for the sake of the reasonable solution, when there is something serious and critical in a certain matter.
When there is no appropriate medicine for the solution, “something special (extraordinary)” people usually don’t experience works well for that.
Desperate diseases surely must have desperate remedies for some peculiar cases.
⇒ Desperate diseases needs desperate remedies upon occasion.(英語音声講義)
⇒ What you do as a real action dramatically changes your life.(英語音声講義)
When the blind lead the blind, they both fall in the ditch.
It goes without saying that you should be reasonably guided to go to the right direction by a right person. The person who guides you must know the way which is surely right and reasonable for your sake.
⇒ When the blind lead the blind, they both fall in the ditch.(英語音声講義)
The ultimate antidote which supernaturally transcends the prevailing medicine stereotyped
⇒ The ultimate antidote which supernaturally transcends the prevailing medicine stereotyped(英語音声講義)
The drooping flowers revive in fresh water.
I’d like you to listen to the following lecture quite carefully. There is a great hint to fortify yourself.
What you need is “something fresh” you haven’t experienced yet. Everything hinges upon how you see the things constructively. I’d like you to be valorous enough to rise again.
⇒ The drooping flowers revive in fresh water.(英語音声講義)
“Ignorance is bliss.”(無知は至福である。)
“Ignorance is bliss.”、・・・この諺の意味は、「無知は至福である」という意味ですが、皮肉として捉えると「知らぬが仏」という意味にもなります。