読み物カテゴリ: ‘哲学への招待’
Prerequisite for the sake of rational logicality Ⅳ
⇒ Prerequisite for the sake of rational logicality Ⅳ(英語音声講義)
Prerequisite for the sake of rational logicality Ⅲ
⇒ Prerequisite for the sake of rational logicality Ⅲ(英語音声講義)
Prerequisite for the sake of rational logicality Ⅱ
⇒ Prerequisite for the sake of rational logicality Ⅱ(英語音声講義)
You cannot find a “reasonable way” to pursue the essence and the truth without experiencing the difficulty.
The significance of fallibilism for the sake of the pursuit of a minute intellectual development scientifically
Do human beings really comprehend that no human is infallible here on earth? Quintessentially speaking, it is surely true that nobody possesses impeccability in this human society.
It is said, “To err is human.” Furthermore, you are intellectually guided to think of the following matter, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.”
Everlasting peace in this human society shall be gradually realized through experiencing so many concrete cases continuously. The aforementioned idea introduced, “To err is human, to forgive divine” applied to both all individuals and all countries in the world is absolutely influential in pursuing peace perpetually on earth.
What human beings inevitably need to experience is having various substantial experiences which are concrete and inconcrete based upon fallibilism in their 24 hours every day though making thier history here on earth given supernaturally.
The dynamism of incommensurability
The meaning and significance of a “state of incommensurability” shall be cerebrally pointed out by a cerebral being who supernaturally grasps the meaning of possession of “reason” given.
Because reason a human being possesses is by nature given for purpose of experiencing the matter, “the matter of incommensurability.”
In general, a reasonable being absolutely values commensurability to be just “reasonable” in the theories and cases facing. Conversely, a rational being cerebrally finds something new others have not found yet.
Rational beings are disciplined to experience the dynamism of incommensurability as their privilege given.
The two different ways of the interpretation regarding the existence of science
⇒ The two different ways of the interpretation regarding the existence of science(英語音声講義)
A rational existent naturally possesses the sapience to know his incapaciousness.
Philosophically speaking, this theme is one of the very crucial and essential matters all of human beings should reasonably recogonize. Do we human beings recognize enough how we are incapacious in front of the absolute truth?
The important matter I’d like you to deliberately recognize and consider is that we by nature possess the sapience to know our incapaciousness. Are human beings “just animals” or “rational existents” here on this planet? You would be absolutely sure that you possess the sapience to know your incapaciousness on the condition that you meaningfully breathe the rational air as rational existents here on this planet.
It is truly up to you to recognize or not you possess such sapience or not. Now, I’d like you to deeply philosophize why the reason was given to you all.
⇒ A rational existent naturally possesses the sapience to know his incapaciousness.(英語音声講義)
仏教の祖、ガウタマ・シッダーサ (生井利幸による、仏教・英語音声講義)
⇒ The enlightenment experienced by Gautama Siddhārtha(仏教・英語音声講義)