読み物カテゴリ: ‘哲学詩’

Beauty in imperfection


Beauty in imperfection

are you an idealist who radiantly strives for perfection?
I am dubious about such beauty, namely the beauty of perfection

I don’t feel anything charming in perfection at all
it is not impressive, attractive, tempting, mesmerizing or sexy to be in the presence of perfection for me

I delicately feel some sort of beauty deriving from imperfection in fragility
I now enjoy breathing, tasting and appreciating, especially such imperfect peculiarity

absolutely, I feel beautiful in it


⇒ Beauty in imperfection(英語朗読)

The meaning of desert



⇒ The meaning of desert(英語朗読)















⇒ 終わりの意味(英語音声講義)

The ultimate beauty in a Japanese black teacup


The ultimate beauty in a Japanese black teacup

black is not simply black in a sense of beauty
black is not simply black in a virtue of beauty
there is a profound aesthetic state in black to be subtly felt

now, I see the immense distances of space in the ultimate aesthetic color, black

black gives us something mysterious
black gives us something gorgeous
black gives us something ultimate

when I feel such gorgeousness in the profundity of black
I feel everlasting transmigration in it infinitely

human life is transitory
there is nothing impeccable in the world
there is nothing everlasting in this world

now, I just live in such an air of profundity
I feel the utmost value to tick away a second at all times
I now charmingly feel the meaning of my existence as a slightest bit


⇒ The ultimate beauty in a Japanese black teacup(英語朗読)

Dreaming of something unreal engenders nothing


Dreaming of something unreal engenders nothing

action you take gives you something meaningful
therefore, I’d like you to take action here or there

I’d like you to do a thing which is real
because only a real thing engenders something meaningful

imagine now,
which one gives you a direction, something real or something unreal

I’d like you to take action according to what you see as a matter of reality
what you see guides you to a reasonable direction

dreaming of something unreal engenders nothing
I’d like you to continue opening your eyes to see reality

I’d like you to confront a harsh reality
it gives you strength to go forth


⇒ Dreaming of something unreal engenders nothing(英語朗読)

“Light is not derived from light itself.”


Light is not derived from light itself.

people are always looking for something excited
people are expecting something splendiferous and valuable every day every night

where can you find such a thing superb in this rotten society?
there is no place where you can find such a thing expected

imagine now
you walk somewhere in the desert for a long time
there is no fresh water you drink at all anywhere

finally, you find a well to quench your thirst with water
you naturally have such a moment to feel some gorgeousness yourself
gorgeousness is originally derived from the persistent thirst which really kills you

let’s try to experience something brand-new we haven’t experienced before
experiencing something you haven’t experienced before gives you a light to go forth


⇒ Light is not derived from light itself(英語朗読)

The reverberation tells me to take action according to what I hear in my heart



⇒ The reverberation tells me to take action according to what I hear in my heart(英語朗読)

The beauty of life


The beauty of life

whether you like it or not, there are only two alternatives
the one is to live
the other is to die

imagine now
if you die, there would be nothing you can substantially experience and taste here on this planet
on the other hand, you can do anything you like as long as you live

hence, there is no such question, “to live or to die”
the question you need to think of is how you live every day

I’d like you to live well momentarily
I’d like you to make sense in your process to live day after day

naturally and gracefully, time creeps on silently momentarily
that’s why time now is immensely beautiful

you cannot taste the same water once again later on


⇒ The beauty of life (英語朗読)

Aren’t you losing yourself?


Aren’t you losing yourself?

aren’t you losing yourself in the tricky spot, mannerism?
doing the same thing every day every night unconsciously makes you no consideration at all

not to think of anything critical is so comfortable
it is easy to think something easy every day
that’s a way the people stereotyped feel and think without exception

now, hush yourself
listen to a voice coming from the bottom of your heart
do you hear something you truly need
the thing you hear now is just the thing you need to do

have you ever noticed that hesitation easily dulls your action more than you imagine?
do the thing now you inwardly hear without hesitation

your life is dramatically changed through doing so or not
it always depends upon how you immediately take your action or not


⇒ Aren’t you losing yourself?(英語朗読)

A voice coming from somewhere nostalgic


A voice coming from somewhere nostalgic

I hear something nostalgic in my heart
is it coming out of my old days?

it is a ring congenial to something delicate in my heart
it is a ring sacred to me inwardly

now, something sympathetic in my heart strongly tells me to take an action
I’ve therefore decided to bury the old strife I remember once in a while

there is the one I’d like to keep doing at any cost
I now listen to the voice sacred to me
I don’t miss it to take an action no matter what


⇒ A voice coming from somewhere nostalgic(英語朗読)

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