“reason given by God”


I am holily breathing right now here at this Ginza Sanctuary quite early in the morning on Sunday which shall be treated as a “holy day.” The air here is so fresh and I shall gracefully prepare to produce what is called, the “rational air.”

This is the year, 2014. Time creeps on silently. Essentially speaking, we human beings are privileged to produce “something valuable” and give it to other people.

It is “not a wise idea” to wait to receive something from other people passively. You never know anything happy, if you just expect to get something from others passively.

The genuine happiness shall be obtained through using your “important time limited” for the sake of happiness of other people. You would be extremely happy to give something valuable to others actively.

“Do to others as you would be done by” (Luke). I’d like you all to rationally think that how you need to use your “life” and “reason.”


⇒ reason given by God(英語音声講義)

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