Iron wall between the two, what you feel and how you express it as literature.


What you feel now is different from how you express it as literature. There is always a gap between the two, what you are really feeling and how you exactly express it in terms of writing as literature.

Is there any surefire way to eliminate such gap which exists between the two? As a matter of fact, there is no possible way to do it. Nobody can do anything about it for the elimination of the gap.

You are fundamentally bound to continue having such gap between the two day after day. When you have a day not feel any gap between the two through getting rid of your ego which disturbs your writing naturally in the future, you are absolutely entitled to stand upon the “first stage” in order to be a “purely genuine existent” who expresses the reality of the things as literature.


⇒ Iron wall between the two, what you feel and how you express it as literature.(英語音声講義)

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